Unity Tutorial 03

Unity Tutorial 03
Source: wikimedia


In this post I'm going to write about my experience with creating the clock in Unity. This was an interesting one...

If you have read my previous blog posts, you probably know that every time a module includes something 'technical' in it I'm not the best at it. Especially coding, I'll save that post for another time!
So Unity, when I first opened the tutorial and read that we were going have to make a working clock I wanted to close my laptop and never look at it again. But, I gave it a try and to my surprise it was 'ok' notice I'm using that word lightly haha.

I began following the step by step tutorial which I was really happy with because it was easy to follow. I quickly ran into my first problem where I couldn't get the clock face to be white, instead the face was non existent or clear. It took a lot in me not to quit this but I stuck with it and looked at the tutorial closer and fixed the issue.
First problem!
Source: Personal Photo

After that I took things slow and followed the tutorial step by step. Thanks to the tutorial I was able to finish the clock and got it to work! Overall I enjoyed this lab and found it interesting.
Thanks for reading
