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In this blog post, you will be able to find some of the annotated blogs that were researched over the past few weeks in order to gain a better understanding of how to approach my part in the project. But first, lets backtrack a little bit in case you don't remember what our group project is and what we're trying to make.
The idea is to make a game, an interactive educational game that's targeting younger children in school. We took inspiration from apps like Duolingo. In today's society everyone is glued to their phones and in 2019 a parents best friend is an iPad. So, the whole point of this game is to let kids learn different subjects in a easy, creative and fun way by making a tool that is both interactive and educational.
Rostami, Khadjooi (2010), In the following article, the authors discuss the implications of Behaviorism and Humanism theories that their impact on key areas of learning in medical education. They begin their review off by creating a field of learning that allows them to examine and explore the theories. Medical professionalism and humanism have long been integral to the practice of medicine and the framework within humanism, learning is viewed as a personal act necessary to achieve the learner's full potential. The authors looks at both theories through different approaches by placing them against each other alongside looking at them closely individually.
A. Plot (2009), The paper presents one's conception of the other may inform moral understandings by arguing the other and the role ethics present in people by being informed by a certain "attention" to others. To present his paper the author begins with recalling the debate between the ethics of care and the ethics of justice and demonstrating that the conception of attention is inter-dependant with the awareness that others are one's fellow in humanity. In conclusion the Plot's paper challenges some basic assumptions of business ethics and of corporate social responsibilities.
Mazuch, Stephen (2005), This general review written by the above authors discusses the aims humanistic architecture. The review focuses to show the aims of how humanistic architecture contributes to public mental health and its promotion. To emphasis their point, the authors use examples of their own architectural and design practices, Nightingale Associates. This startup aims to create healing healthcare environments that enhance and support the care/treatment process by combining traditional and psychotherapeutic methods.
Nordstrom (1992), Ms. Nordstorm is the Head librarian of the Curriculum Resource Centre at Bowling Green State University Libraries, Bowling Green, Ohio. In her general review she goes over the international economic and technological challenges that the United States encountered regarding the ability of the American education system still being able to produce competitive labor force that is able to learn and solve problems. For this process to be complete all the principal curriculum areas have been reviews with science education being deemed deficient. From this the NSF and AAAS recommended both content revision of science courses.
Deimann, Sloep (2013), The book talks about the movement that education went through from being a mainly formal system that showcases a number of different roles, goals and responsibilities to being more open and not confined. It mentions the significant changes that took place during the last century that allows for this openness in education. The writing discusses a fast growing movement called OER (Open Educational Resources) is a global attempt to reduce the cost of education, facilitate the flow of knowledge and establish the educational system.
Tadajewski (2010), The following paper written by the above author deals with a selective survey on Professors Monieson's work while using sociology of science as a prism. It does that by examining Monieson's difficult work and connects this work to a managerially minded scholar. The approach of writing this paper is a historical review. By the survey being carried out the following results were found. Professor Monieson was an important figure in the development of marketing, his research on marketing is recommended to be read by marketing scholars and students alike.
G. Toms, L. O'Brien (2008)The purpose of this research paper is to understand the needs of humanists and the information / communication technology needed in order to prescribe the design of an e-humanist workbench. The approach to carry out this paper included a web based survey that contained 60 questions which gathered data from 169 different humanists. Information such as e-texts and primary and secondary sources. At the end, the following conclusions were made. Humanists conduct varied forms of research and use multiple techniques. The only limitations present during this research as that the results are based on a self selected sample of humanists who responded to the 60 question web survey.
Kronfly (2006),This paper challenges traditional humanism in hopes of showing that the so called "Administrative Humanitarian" is not a derivation from the Human Science. Also focusing on trying to explain why in the administrative humanitarian are said to be "the centre" of all, denies its essence on practices related to the act of work. This paper is denouncing discrepancies between discourses and action.
Watson-Canning (2017), Andrea Watson-Canning writes this paper in order to provide secondary research social studies practitioners with a research based lesson plan to foster understanding through a student driven process of online gallery curation. She approaches this by linking technological, visual and social studies literacy and describing the connections between constructivist learning. In conclusion this paper provides insight as to how utilising digitised collections of artwork has the potential to engage students in active learning in order to develop social studies literacy.
W. Kelley (2016), The purpose of this paper is to provide a retrospective evaluation of the findings first put forward in the article Efficiency in Service Delivery: Technological or Humanistic Approaches? While also offering directions on further research in that research area. To do this the research directions from the article were taken and examined in the light of current service marketing theory and practice. To conclude the paper falls back on the fact that the original article which was written in 1989 included two services, also describing the fact that much has changed, especially with regard to technological approaches to service delivery.
Kamran Rostami, Kayvan Khadjooi C. (2010). The implications of Behaviorism and Humanism theories in medical education.
School of Medicine, University of Birmingham UK.
Hull York Medical School, UK
Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench 2010; 3(2): 65-70
Frederique A. Plot C. (2009). Paying attention to attention: care and humanism.
French Ministry of Education.
Society and Business Review, Vol. 4 Issue: 1 pp.37-44
Richard Mazuch, Rona Stephen C. (2005). Creating healing environments: humanistic architecture and therapeutic design.
Journal of Public Mental Health, Vol. 4
Issue: 4 pp.48-52
Virginia Nordstrom, C. (1992). Reducing the text burden: Using children's literature and trade books in elementary / primary school science education.
Reference Service Review, Vol. 20
Issue: 1, pp.57-70
Markus Deimann, Peter Sloep C. (2013). Chapter 1 How does Open Education Work?
in Andreas Meiszner, Lin Squires (ed.) Openness and Education (Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning, Volume 1)
Mark Tadajewski C. (2010) Reading Professor David D. Monieson: Humanism, pluralism, and intellectualisation.
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol.2
Issue: 2, pp.227-237.
Elaine G. Toms, Heather L. O'Brien C. (2008) Understanding the information and communication technology needs of the e-humanist.
Journal of Documentation, Vol. 64
Issue: 1, pp.102-130
Fernando Cruz Kronfly C. (2006) From administrative humanism to the awareness of anomalies: the role of the human sciences.
Society and Business Review, Vol. 1
Issue: 1, pp.28-36
Andrea Watson-Canning C. (2017) iCurator: Using digital art collections to construct historical understandings about Renaissance humanism.
Social Studies Research and Practice, Vol 12
Issue: 3, pp.310-324
Fernando Cruz Kronfly C. (2006) From administrative humanism to the awareness of anomalies: the role of the human sciences.
Society and Business Review, Vol. 1
Issue: 1, pp.28-36
Andrea Watson-Canning C. (2017) iCurator: Using digital art collections to construct historical understandings about Renaissance humanism.
Social Studies Research and Practice, Vol 12
Issue: 3, pp.310-324
Scott W. Kelley C. (2016) Retrospective: efficiency in service delivery: technological or humanistic approaches?
Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 30
Issue: 2, pp.133-135
Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 30
Issue: 2, pp.133-135
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