Time Strategies

Better Time Management
Source: pixabay


For this blog post I'm going to write about time management strategies. A topic that is highly familiar to me, probably for all the wrong reasons. Why? Because I'm a person that has the worst time management skills (I'm serious ask anyone that knows me).

For this assignment, I've read two of the following articles
The Important Habits of Just Starting
How To Beat Procrastination

Going into this I was hoping to get some useful tips from the articles about how to better manage my time, and I did. The main thing now, that I'd like to incorporate into my weekly to do list is to make a schedule. I think having everything written out on paper will help me stay focused on my tasks ahead and motivate me to get them done.
Regarding last semester, the biggest challenge for me when it came to time management was getting all my assignments from all the different modules done and submitted in a short time period especially around Christmas.
